Nicolas Eigenheer


Nicolas Eigenheer

'Tailor Cuts', three fonts, three books

Graphic Design

Jury report

Font designs full of character
The work 'Tay­lor Cuts' con­sists of three artist books de­signed by graphic de­signer Nico­las Eigen­heer, for each of which he de­vel­oped a font con­sis­tent with the con­tents.
The large-for­mat book 'Jim Shaw. Dis­torted Faces & Por­traits' shows for­mat-fill­ing close-up graphite works and air­brush por­traits. The draw­ings are pre­sented in life size and bled off, and when look­ing at the book, they re­ally seem to jump out at you. When de­sign­ing the font, Nico­las Eigen­heer was in­spired by the Ger­man 'Bauer' type foundry and de­vel­oped the 'Ma­te­r­ial'. Clearly cut, some­what coarse and with strik­ing ser­ifs it cre­ates a di­rect and clear image and un­der­lines the pe­cu­liar char­ac­ter of the book. In con­trast with this, Nico­las Eigen­heer de­signed the font 'Px-Grotesk' font for the 'Carsten Nico­lai' pub­li­ca­tion: it is up­ward-thrust­ing, sim­ple, rounded and clear. Its cool, tech­no­log­i­cal char­ac­ter matches the high-gloss colour pho­tos and lab doc­u­men­ta­tion of Ger­man artist Carsten Nico­lai's stud­ies; he is ac­tive in the fields of sci­ence, art and sound. The artist's book 'Ari Mar­copou­los. The Chance is higher' con­tains pho­to­copies of per­sonal pho­tographs the artist re­al­ized over a pe­riod of 30 years. With its round, frag­mented and fil­i­gree form the 'Sonoma' font, specif­i­cally de­signed for this book, re­flects the fragility of this in­ti­mate pro­ject. In his work, Nico­las Eigen­heer ex­per­i­ments with the de­vel­op­ment of font char­ac­ters and their po­ten­tial to con­vey con­tents of books. He refers to the sig­nif­i­cance and the cru­cial and in­for­ma­tive role ty­pog­ra­phy plays in book de­sign and demon­strates how a com­plete whole can be cre­ated with vi­sual means. He pre­sents three ex­em­plary pub­li­ca­tions, in terms of the utter ac­cu­racy and the care­ful con­cep­tion of their de­sign.
Au­re­lia Müller


Nicolas Eigenheer
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle