Jean-Philippe Bonzon


Jean-Philippe Bonzon

'Modular Racks Staple' (diploma work)

Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

Functional tongue-in-cheek solutions
Jean-Philippe Bon­zon ex­hib­ited his lat­est cre­ation named 'Mod­u­lar Racks Sta­ple' at the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Com­pe­ti­tion; it was de­vel­oped in 2007 as part of the fi­nal-year pro­ject at the at ECAL. It is a shelf sys­tem in­spired by scaf­fold­ing, re­quir­ing no nails, screws or glue. The struc­ture is sta­bilised by metal clamps, and sta­bil­ity is fur­ther en­hanced by its com­bi­na­tion of oak wood, milky-plex­i­glas pan­els and steel hooks. The basic mod­els offer mul­ti­ple com­bi­na­tions and the shelf sys­tem can be put to­gether, taken apart and re­built as and when: an ideal ob­jects for of­fice hop­pers.
The 'Bri­cOLo' mini high chair de­signed with Fa­bien Cap­pello, isn't held to­gether by nails and screws ei­ther, but by tim­ber wedges. Chil­dren can as­sem­ble their fur­ni­ture them­selves. In­spired by tra­di­tional wooden toys, they can then get going on the jig­saw puz­zle with the re­main­ing jig­sawed shapes on the seat. The ham­mer is a for­mal re­minder of the tools that are not re­quired here. The chair fos­ters the chil­dren's skills in putting to­gether fur­ni­ture them­selves, an early prepa­ra­tion for their fu­ture in the age of IKEA.
Jean-Philippe Bon­zon has cre­ated a wide range of prod­ucts dur­ing his stud­ies, in­clud­ing his boot re­moval de­vice, a hair slide with bris­tles or the lamps made of cable binders. His ob­jects stand out be­cause of the choice and use of ma­te­ri­als as well as his func­tional so­lu­tions with their tongue-in-cheek hu­mour.
Au­re­lia Müller


Jean-Philippe Bonzon
Born in
designer HES en design industriel


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