Adrien Rovero


Adrien Rovero

'Rolling Experiment Box'

Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

Ceramics research
Adrien Rovero finds a new use for the old ma­te­r­ial ce­ram­ics in his work. The work called 'Rolling' is also a piece of re­search, along­side the ob­jects cre­ated, show­ing what can be achieved with ex­truded clay. The pro­ce­dure is sim­ple: the clay is put into a ma­chine. This pushes the ma­te­r­ial through the se­lected pat­terned noz­zle and pro­duces an end­less shape with the same cross-sec­tion. The de­signer car­ried out count­less tests be­fore find­ing a use that suited him. He tried out flat and round out­lines, smooth and cor­ru­gated sur­faces, with and with­out moulds. He recorded each ex­per­i­ment in words and pic­tures. He col­lected the re­sults and the noz­zles in a large wooden box and made the ma­te­r­ial com­pre­hen­si­ble for out­siders. The jury were as im­pressed by this doc­u­men­ta­tion as by the ob­jects cre­ated – as they show how the aim was achieved. The de­signer chose a clay sausage with a fluted sur­face for the end prod­ucts, wrapped reg­u­larly and tightly around round and polyg­o­nal reels with dif­fer­ent di­am­e­ters. This pro­duced large and small, broad and nar­row con­tain­ers closed at the top and the bot­tom with a cork lid – also an old ma­te­r­ial lit­tle used for do­mes­tic ob­jects. The re­sult is un­usual and sur­pris­ing. The ob­jects, made in a 30-piece edi­tion, can be used as con­tain­ers or stools. The are sold by the Paris de­sign gallery Kreo. Adrien Rovero com­bined two ma­te­ri­als in his ex­per­i­ment that are sel­dom seen to­gether, and uses them for do­mes­tic pur­poses, which is also rare. 'Rolling' is a con­tem­po­rary re­sponse to tra­di­tional craft, and sug­gests to view­ers what else could be achieved with these ma­te­ri­als and this process. Older knowl­edge ac­quires a new life, and finds new forms and ap­pli­ca­tions.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Adrien Rovero
Born in
designer HES en design industriel


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