Noémie Arrigo, Corina Neuenschwander


Noémie Arrigo / Corina Neuenschwander

'2ème PEAU, inspiré par Noëmi Wüst ' (diploma work)

Design graphique

Jury report

Staged nightmares
The two graphic artists Noémie Ar­rigo and Co­rina Neuen­schwan­der de­signed a mag­a­zine for their diploma pro­ject at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Zürich that links dif­fer­ent fields to­gether – they are graph­ics, pho­tog­ra­phy and fash­ion – on an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary basis, work­ing from a fash­ion de­signer's col­lec­tion. The mag­a­zine '2e PEAU in­spiré par Noëmi Wüst in­som­nia' is in two parts, and the title it­self refers to Noëmi Wüst's col­lec­tion, which cir­cles around the theme of night­mares. The two parts of the mag­a­zine are both in a black cover and can be sep­a­rated along a per­fo­ra­tion. The two graphic de­sign­ers pre­sent the five gar­ments dif­fer­ently and in their own way for this look book. View­ers are led through just as many night­mare worlds, and thus ap­proach the col­lec­tion grad­u­ally. Gar­ments as a sec­ond skin, tight-fit­ting, con­strain­ing, night­mar­ish?
This stock of night­mares is fed from per­sonal mem­o­ries, dex­ter­ously ma­nip­u­lated in the main part of the mag­a­zine. The graphic de­sign­ers, work­ing with Noëmi Wüst, have coined nine terms fun­da­men­tal to '...​insomnia...' and then split these down into dif­fer­ent se­quences, freely in­ter­preted and ma­nip­u­lated both graph­i­cally and pic­to­ri­ally. The pho­to­graphic works skil­fully cap­ture terms like com­pul­sion, con­straint, dream and re­al­ity. View­ers gag on see­ing bizarre ob­jects crammed into jars. At the same time the graphic de­sign is un­set­tling in many places with its games lo­cated some­where be­tween trompe-l'oeil and re­al­ity. Are the pressed flow­ers real or printed?
Co­rina Neuen­schwan­der and Noémie Ar­rigo take full ad­van­tage of the theme's pos­si­bil­i­ties, cap­ti­vat­ing and un­set­tling their pub­lic with an abun­dance of as­so­ci­a­tions, vi­sual ex­pe­ri­ences and sen­sual traces. The two of them de­vised all the con­tent of the pub­li­ca­tion, as well as the con­cept: texts, pho­tographs and graphic pre­sen­ta­tions. The jury praises the care­fully de­signed mag­a­zine and the eerie at­mos­phere, skil­fully cap­tured in terms of both form and con­tent. They ap­pre­ci­ated the var­ied de­sign and were im­pressed by the pho­tographs.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Noémie Arrigo
Born in
Designer FH, Studienbereich Visuelle Kommunikation

Corina Neuenschwander
Born in
Graphic Designer

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