Simone Stocker


Simone Stocker

Set of dishes 'Torlo'


Jury report

Sculptural dishes
Si­mone Stocker, who did a spe­cial­ist ce­ram­ics course at the Berner Schule für Gestal­tung, im­presses us with a pre­cious set of dishes in five pieces. It is en­ti­tled 'Torlo' with a ref­er­ence to the Ital­ian word 'il tuorlo', the yolk. 'Torlo' stands for a sim­ple, el­e­gant and mod­ern way of de­sign­ing crock­ery. The set made of high-qual­ity, pearl-white Eng­lish china con­sists of a big flat plate, a soup plate, a bowl, a cup and a eggcup. The eggcup is ac­tu­ally yel­low in­side like the yolk of an egg, which adds a friendly touch to the multi-pur­pose set. 'The de­sign must be time­less,' as the de­signer writes. In­deed it is sober and kept en­tirely in white, but the so­phis­ti­cated shapes are very ef­fec­tive and ap­peal­ing. The five pieces put to­gether look like a open­ing blos­som. The ce­ram­ics de­signer thus adds a strong sculp­tural char­ac­ter to the set with­out ne­glect­ing func­tion­al­ity. Si­mone Stocker de­vel­oped the set from her diploma pro­ject, which has al­ready been awarded a prize. The pre­cious ma­te­r­ial – 'Au­drey Black­man Porce­lain' – rep­re­sents ac­cu­racy, clean­ness and sober­ness. This sober­ness is how­ever qual­i­fied by an al­lur­ingly shim­mer­ing gloss which is even dish­washer-proof. Yet the set is no mass prod­uct but in­di­vid­u­ally hand-made, which ex­plains its rel­a­tively high price. This ex­clu­sive set of dishes is some­thing for peo­ple who are not con­tent with mass-pro­duced china. The ce­ram­ics de­signer sees her­self in the tra­di­tion of Bernese pot­tery, she wants to be clas­sic, to do jus­tice to the ma­te­r­ial with­out, how­ever, set­ting aside a con­tem­po­rary aes­thet­ics. What stands out par­tic­u­larly is the un­usual di­men­sion­ing: com­pared to the pre­vi­ous set, the pieces have been en­larged by ten per­cent, which con­sid­er­ably con­tributes to the im­pres­sion of el­e­gance and gen­eros­ity. This is par­tic­u­larly the case when food is served: the meals do not take up the whole space and par­tic­u­larly show off the for­mal qual­i­ties of this at­trac­tive set of dishes to great ad­van­tage.
Peter Stohler  


Simone Stocker
Born in