Régis Tosetti


Régis Tosetti

'L'Art de la Chasse' (diploma work)
Graphic Design

Jury report

Fascinating hunting party
'It smells of musk, of warm blood, of camp­fire and wet socks. It smells of sweat and dogs'. With 'L'art de la chasse,' Lau­sanne-trained graphic de­signer Régis Tosetti se­duces us into the world of hunters and of hunt­ing. Ado­les­cents cover them­selves in coats and look fe­ro­ciously at the cam­era. Young men pose in the for­est, guns at the ready, ac­com­pa­nied by dogs. The se­duc­tive and bril­liantly made pho­tos ap­pear at first sight to be doc­u­ments of a real hunt­ing party. But aren't the peo­ple in the pic­tures too young? Don't the pho­tos seem like de­signed spreads in a lifestyle mag­a­zine? In­deed, the ob­server does not know whether it is a re­port or staged pho­tog­ra­phy. The work is tri­par­tite: the ini­ti­a­tion into hunt­ing rit­u­als makes up the first part, fol­lowed by pic­tures of hunters ('des chas­seurs en général') and even­tu­ally a spread about what dis­tin­guishes the home­com­ing hunter: the hunt­ing tro­phy ('du trophée en général'). A hor­ri­ble beast is shown in the pho­tos, a furry mon­ster, a fa­natic mix­ture of bull and wild boar. The beast ap­pears like a myth­i­cal crea­ture straight out of a fan­tasy uni­verse. Un­canny things shape the read­ing of these pic­tures and in­fil­trate what ini­tially pre­sents it­self as fac­tual and doc­u­men­tary pho­tog­ra­phy; the un­canny al­ways deals with dis­place­ments and alien­ations of things sup­pos­edly known. Vi­sual de­signer Régis Tosetti pos­sesses a re­mark­able sense of stag­ing. The hunt­ing game is com­mu­ni­cated through three par­al­lel video pro­jec­tions which mix mov­ing pic­tures and pho­tos, and are ac­com­pa­nied by sound. Al­ter­na­tively, there is a book which sup­ports the pic­ture story with a solid re­search into quotes on the topic of hunt­ing. 'L'art de la chasse' cap­ti­vates by tak­ing up an ar­chaic, fas­ci­nat­ing topic and a bril­liant and am­biva­lent stag­ing.
Peter Stohler


Régis Tosetti
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle, spécialisation design graphique

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