Lisa Besset, Thomas Wüthrich


Lisa Besset / Thomas Wüthrich

Cap collection 'Ribcap'

Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

'Safer Sports' through intelligent molecules
Who would not like to ride a bike or skate­board with­out hav­ing to wear a bulky hel­met? How can a seem­ingly smooth cap pro­tect you against in­juries when you fall off the bike or board? The new col­lec­tion with the title 'Rib­cap' proves that ideal wear­ing com­fort and pro­tec­tion can go hand in hand. What looks like a trendy cap is in fact a hy­brid. It promises se­cu­rity and pro­vides the wear­ing com­fort of a cap. On the out­side, it is en­tirely made of knit­ted fab­ric, in­side the new ma­te­r­ial 'd3o' is woven in. The in­tel­li­gent specif­i­cally formed mol­e­cules are struc­tured as 'rib' which also gives the col­lec­tion its name. These new kind of mol­e­cules were de­vel­oped by high-tech-spe­cial­ists from Lon­don. The 'd3o' mol­e­cules act flex­i­ble as long as the sports­man moves nor­mally. When falling, the mol­e­cules harden within a hun­dredth of a sec­ond. The cap there­with of­fers pro­tec­tion for sports­men who, out of aes­thetic rea­sons or for the pur­pose of more free­dom of move­ment, want to do with­out a bulky hel­met. The prod­uct now avail­able on the mar­ket stands out as the re­sult of a well- thought-out prod­uct idea that has been de­vel­oped until it was ready to be re­al­ized. The 'Rib­cap' suits all ages, comes in one size and four colours and can be pur­chased for about CHF 130.- in spe­cial­ist re­tail. Their pro­duc­tion part­ner is the 'Marti' firm in Sum­iswald, which spe­cialises in pro­fes­sional and pro­tec­tive cloth­ing. The in­no­va­tion comes in dif­fer­ent mod­els with mu­si­cally evoca­tive names such as 'Hen­drix', 'Mar­ley', 'Red­ding' or 'Janis'. This col­lec­tion of the fash­ion de­signer Lisa Bes­set and the prod­uct de­signer Thomas Wüthrich (to­gether they work under the 'Fash­ion Force' label) skil­fully com­bines sportive de­sign with the newest pro­tec­tion tech­nique and suc­cess­fully op­er­ates at the in­ter­face of fash­ion- and prod­uct de­sign.
Peter Stohler


Lisa Besset
Born in
Designerin FH in Modedesign
Group name

Thomas Wüthrich
Born in
Designer FH in Innenarchitektur/Produktdesign
Group name