Erich Moser, Cybu Richli


Erich Moser / Cybu Richli

Publication 'Visuelle Erklärungen - Untersuchung zum Thema Infografik' (diploma work)

Graphic Design

Jury report

What the umbrella can tell us about the mallard
How can com­plex mat­ters be ex­pressed in vi­sual terms for lay peo­ple? Erich Moser and Cybu Richli ex­plore un­usual paths. These two graphic de­sign­ers, who trained at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Luzern, have sub­mit­ted ac­claimed work for their diploma, which has been awarded the Ray­mond Loewy Prize. It is called 'Vi­suelle Erklärun­gen' (Vi­sual Ex­pla­na­tions), a some­what mod­est title. The two in­fo­graphic artists have brought off some­thing ex­tra­or­di­nary. They have used a sys­tem of banal every­day ob­jects so that we can un­der­stand highly com­plex sit­u­a­tions.
For ex­am­ple, what does the rub­ber seal for a Kil­ner jar have in com­mon with a spinal col­umn? Noth­ing at first, you might think. Ex­cept when the seal­ing rings are alien­ated from their real pur­pose and twisted in so that they can take on a whole va­ri­ety of shapes, arranged in a par­tic­u­larly re­veal­ing way. If these pic­to­r­ial el­e­ments – the two Cen­tral Swiss de­sign­ers call it 'build­ing kit' – are re­com­bined, the process by which they are joined to­gether in a chain ul­ti­mately pro­duces a very vivid model of a spinal col­umn. The pic­to­r­ial data­base is con­tained in a 'pic­ture case', so that other in­fo­graphic artists can use this new vi­sual al­pha­bet as well.
The two de­sign­ers use every­day ob­jects so log­i­cally and in­no­v­a­tively that they are able to use phe­nom­ena from zo­ol­ogy and op­tics, as well as just anatomy, for ex­am­ple, when trans­par­ent film is used to il­lus­trate the theme of vi­sual acu­ity. The metal ribs and fold­ing mech­a­nism of an um­brella, with its count­less stages of open­ing and shut­ting help us to see how a mal­lard flies. What the two de­sign­ers achieve here is the max­i­mum qual­ity of at­ten­tion. The fact that these un­con­ven­tional vi­sual demon­stra­tions turn out to be not just dryly sci­en­tific, but markedly sen­sual, gives cause for hope that they will soon reach a wider au­di­ence.
Peter Stohler


Erich Moser
Born in
Designer FH mit Vertiefung in Graphic Design

Cybu Richli
Born in
Designer FH mit Vertiefung in Graphic Design