Melanie Fischer


Melanie Fischer

Fashion collection 'où tu vas comme ça?', about 100 pieces and 10 accessories

Fashion Design

Jury report

'où tu vas comme ça?'
Fash­ion should not be a lux­ury – The fash­ion de­signer Melanie Fis­cher makes unique ob­jects – they sound like ex­clu­sive mod­els for the 'happy few'. And yet Fis­cher's credo is that at­trac­tive clothes should be ac­ces­si­ble to peo­ple on a tight bud­get too. But how can you make rea­son­ably priced unique ob­jects? Melanie Fis­cher says there are enough fab­rics in Switzer­land. You just have to find them, print them, cut them up and sew them to­gether again. She often buys fab­ric rem­nants and makes them into col­lages. The chal­lenge she sets her­self is to make unique ob­jects ra­tio­nally. She has also demon­strated this suc­cess­fully as a mem­ber of the artists' duo 'Boy­cotlettes' (with Lara Schwan­der). Al­though the re­cy­cling idea has been around now in the West for about two decades, it has made sur­pris­ingly lit­tle im­pact on the fash­ion world. Melanie Fis­cher is show­ing us that things can be dif­fer­ent. This un­con­ven­tional fash­ion de­signer first trained as a women's tai­lor and then grad­u­ated from the Basel spe­cial­ist fash­ion class. She has de­vel­oped from being a Swiss tai­lor and cut­ter into a 'cut­ter-up' who does not just sew, but also cuts up, dyes, bleaches and prints. Sev­eral study vis­its to West Africa have made their mark on this Basel woman. She was very im­pressed with the Sene­galese tai­lors' speed and pro­duc­tiv­ity. Fis­cher also took an in­ter­est in patch­work tech­niques, which have a long tra­di­tion there.
Trans­for­ma­tion is her work­ing prin­ci­ple, and she is one of the most coura­geous ex­po­nents of it. Just as she gives fab­rics a sec­ond life, she also sub­jects the pat­terns and prints she finds to a kind of 'icono­graphic re­cy­cling'. She pre­sents her colour­fully printed patch­work cre­ations, which she pro­duces in large num­bers, in card­board boxes printed with im­ages of peo­ple wear­ing her clothes. And what they get to wear so proudly are ca­sual clothes that re­ally are cut for every­day use, in an eclec­tic mix of colours and styles. Fash­ion has sel­dom seemed so un­com­pli­cated, cheer­ful and fresh.
Peter Stohler


Melanie Fischer
Born in

Designerin FH in Modedesign