Corina Gonzalez


Corina González

Womenswear collection 'Argot' (diploma work)

Fashion Design

Jury report

Not for the fainthearted
Nar­row hips? Shoul­ders too wide? Not in male fash­ion, as cre­ated by the de­signer Co­rina González. In­stead of fol­low­ing the usual, fa­mil­iar lines of the male body, she rein­vents the mas­cu­line sil­hou­ette. Rather than un­duly wide shoul­ders, she cre­ates sweaters that are cut out al­most down to the navel. Most men would be afraid of look­ing a bit too fem­i­nine. But even with a well-mus­cled fig­ure this cut-out can­not fail to make the shoul­ders look nar­row when they are pre­sented in this way. A loose-knit jacket with a hood looks sim­i­larly un­usual, al­low­ing a gen­er­ous amount of skin to be seen. Not for the faint­hearted, in other words, but con­ceived for 'fash­ion­con­scious out­laws' (González).
The 2005 au­tumn/win­ter col­lec­tion is called 'Argot', and was cre­ated as a diploma sub­mis­sion at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst in Basel. The fash­ion de­signer bor­rows from the cool Hip-Hop style, which she skill­fully trans­lates into pol­ished de­signer lan­guage. González tai­lors trousers with the crotch al­most at knee-level. Con­ven­tional leg­wear makes the male hips look slim­mer, but this cre­ative fash­ion de­signer does the op­po­site: she makes the hip sec­tion look wider by using hor­i­zon­tal stripes at this point. This col­lec­tion, with its bizarrely ex­ag­ger­ated for­mal lan­guage, is tai­lored to suit 'dis­si­pated, non­cha­lant city-dwellers', as the de­signer writes.
And the wearer mustn't show any fear about the mix of ma­te­ri­als ei­ther: the three-quar­ter­length trousers, for ex­am­ple, are avail­able in lamb's leather, cuffs are knit­ted, there are striped wrist-warm­ers and lurex trousers. Even the suit, usu­ally a man's most con­ven­tional set of gar­ments, is in a shiny metal­lic fab­ric. The de­signer pre­sents these breaches of the rules skil­fully, and it is de­light­ful to be able to say that this is anti-fash­ion that can be worn. As the pho­tographs of mod­els show: coura­geous men cut a dash in clothes like this as well.
Peter Stohler


Corina González
Born in

Designerin FH in Modedesign