Data Centers. Edges of a Wired Nation

Data Centers. Edges of a Wired Nation

Thanks to skilful design, a collection of scientific enquiries into the legal, political and economic framework of Switzerland’s server infrastructure appears remarkably light in spite of its dense content, giving it appeal to a wide audience. Four-colour photo essays conveying the sterile aesthetic of the server stations in high-gloss photos – invariably one per page or double page – are inserted between texts on grey paper and in a uniform layout, accompanied in most cases by black-and-white images, appropriately conveying the impression of dry information being imparted. The asymmetrical text layouts, with footnotes unconventionally running across the whole width of the page from left to right, give an effect of exceptional dynamism. They never exactly correspond to the body text, but rather create the impression of multi-layered information giving rise to a data stream that flows in a regular cadence. The softcover of uncoated grey semi-card makes the book supple and combines with the typographical cover design to convey simplicity. Subtle graphic transitions from the front cover to the spine and on to the rear cover underscore the coherence of the three-dimensional book object.

Monika Dommann, Hannes Rickli, Max Stadler, Zürich

Hubertus Design – Kerstin Landis, Lea Fischlin, Felix Plate, Jonas Voegeli, Zürich
DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg (DE)
Lars Müller Publishers, Baden