The Young Gods / Documents 1985 – 2015

The Young Gods / Documents 1985 – 2015

The Archive as Fanzine

A wide-rang­ing archival vol­ume doc­u­ment­ing the 30-year suc­cess story of rock band The Young Gods from French-speak­ing Switzer­land pre­sents its ma­te­r­ial chrono­log­i­cally and in a very read­able way with­out ap­pear­ing dry or fusty. Pho­tos, con­cert posters, record cov­ers, re­views, track list­ings, notes, and so on are arranged on thin high-gloss paper in ac­cor­dance with two prin­ci­ples that allow ample scope for vari­a­tion: some of the docu­ments are printed in full bleed on half a page, a full page or a dou­ble page, while oth­ers are arranged against a white or black back­ground in groups of up to five items per page. Over­all, the aes­thetic is rem­i­nis­cent of a fanzine; and in­deed the ma­te­r­ial, which ranges from the deeply per­sonal to the stereo­typ­i­cal, is likely to ap­peal most to ded­i­cated fans. The pas­sion­ate and com­mit­ted de­sign im­merses the reader in the ma­te­r­ial, which is pre­sented with­out com­men­tary. On closer ex­am­i­na­tion a long index printed (along with an in­ter­view with the band’s leader) at the end on un­coated paper lo­cates in­di­vid­ual doc­u­ments in space and time. The ty­po­graph­i­cally de­signed soft­cover of yel­low plas­tic-coated card is pleas­ingly un­pre­ten­tious.

Vincent de Roguin, Genève
Vincent de Roguin, Genève
TM - David Mamie, Nicola Todeschini; Vincent de Roguin, Genève
Musumeci S.p.A, Quart
Editions La Baconnière, Genève
205 × 280 mm