The Good Life

The Good Life. A Guided Visit to the Houses of Modernity

Redesign and Timelessness

The il­lus­trated analy­sis of seven real and fic­tional houses from the twen­ti­eth cen­tury pub­lished by the Span­ish ar­chi­tect Iñaki Ábalos in 2001 reap­pears in a new edi­tion with a fresh de­sign. The styl­is­tic means are ex­plic­itly con­tem­po­rary – re­duc­tion to black and white, soft­cover with two im­ages and page-size flaps, sin­gle-col­umn main text in a rel­a­tively large font, and so on – but in this case they serve to un­der­score the work’s con­tin­u­ing rel­e­vance, in­deed time­less­ness. The rel­a­tively small for­mat is pleas­ingly mod­est for an ar­chi­tec­tural book. The chap­ters begin with a ty­po­graph­i­cal title page fol­lowed by a num­ber of large pic­tures, each on one page, and then the text. Smaller im­ages aligned to the left are in­serted into the type area in the mid­dle of the para­graphs and some­times in the mid­dle of a sen­tence, so that they ap­pear as in­te­gral parts of the whole. Chap­ter num­bers and ti­tles in the header, to­gether with page num­bers and one to four key­words at the bot­tom edge, frame each page and also pro­vide a nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem. The over­all im­pres­sion is light, el­e­gant and at­trac­tive.

Iñaki Ábalos, Cambridge MA
Iñaki Ábalos, Cambridge MA
Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, Larissa Kasper, St. Gallen
DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg
Park Books, Zürich
155 × 210 mm