Die «Samnauner Zwerge» an der Schnittstelle Medizin und Alltag

Die «Samnauner Zwerge» an der Schnittstelle Medizin und Alltag

Re-evaluation through Reconsideration

A small black, white and cop­per hard­cover pro­poses a re­con­sid­er­a­tion of a piece of his­tor­i­cal Swiss ex­ot­ica. It re­con­structs the case of eight women and men of small stature who be­came known as the ‘Sam­naun dwarves'. They lived in the Swiss Alpine val­ley of Sam­naun from the end of the nine­teenth to the mid­dle of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury and be­came pop­u­lar post­card sub­jects. The first, very small pic­ture in the mid­dle of the white page to the right of the cop­per-printed end­pa­per es­tab­lishes the theme. In­tro­duc­tory texts are fol­lowed by fur­ther pho­to­graphic por­traits, often show­ing the small peo­ple in pairs and groups. They are printed in black and cop­per, mostly in pairs freely arranged on a dou­ble page; some­times the page back­grounds are also cop­per-coloured. The main text that fol­lows, sim­ply but care­fully arranged in a sin­gle col­umn and com­ple­mented by a small num­ber of black-and-white im­ages and di­a­grams, in­cludes a va­ri­ety of in­for­ma­tion such as new ex­pla­na­tions for their re­stricted growth based on mol­e­c­u­lar ge­net­ics. The book thus tran­scends post­card ex­oti­cism, while the re­spect­ful de­sign pre­sents the eight small peo­ple in a new light.

Seraina Jenal, Zürich
Seraina Jenal, Zürich
Rob&Rose, Zürich
Druckerei Odermatt AG, Dallenwil
Eigenverlag mit der finanziellen Unterstützung der Gemeinde Samnaun, Zürich
147 × 243 mm