Langfristperspektiven archäologischer Stätten

Langfristperspektiven archäologischer Stätten

The Elegance of Science

A col­lec­tion of es­says on the dis­cov­ery and preser­va­tion of arch­aeological sites ap­pears invit­ing and light thanks to a de­sign that is so­phis­ti­cated in every de­tail. De­spite the large for­mat and con­sid­er­able weight, the ini­tial im­pres­sion is of el­e­gance, which is un­der­scored by the soft­cover with fold-outs made from three ma­te­ri­als glued to­gether and the dif­fer­ent coloured end­pa­pers at front and back. The es­says, al­most twenty in num­ber, are set in the type­face Sabon in two columns on coated paper, each pre­ceded by cen­tred ti­tles in upper case with ample lead­ing. The in­tro­duc­tion is in larger type; here a sec­ond, un­coated paper has been used, in­di­vid­ual sheets of which are wrapped around the sec­tions made of the first paper and bear be­tween one and six ref­er­ence il­lus­tra­tions arranged with white space. Fur­ther il­lus­tra­tions are in­te­grated into the text, their breadth pre­cisely match­ing the col­umn, and cer­tain ty­po­graph­i­cal de­tails stand out, such as empty brack­ets in the text as place­hold­ers for the il­lus­tra­tion num­bers at the col­umn’s edge and the ex­tremely small foot­notes. The ef­fect is to de­rive sur­pris­ing de­sign el­e­ments from the rule­book of the aca­d­e­mic book genre.

Uta Hassler, Evelyn Echle, Julia Berger, Zürich
Hubertus Design - Kerstin Landis, Jonas Voegeli, Scott Vander Zee, Zürich
Musumeci S.P.A., Quart
Hirmer, München
245 × 340 mm