Jean-Pierre Kaiser

Jean-Pierre Kaiser. Météores et phénomènes. L’oeuvre gravé /Jean-Pierre Kaiser. Himmlische Phänomene. Das druckgrafische Werk

Bilingual Symmetry

The mono­graph on the prints of Lau­sanne artist Jean-Pierre Kaiser (1915–2001) em­ploys some un­con­ven­tional de­sign ideas that are ex­e­cuted with con­trol and can be well un­der­stood. Text is ei­ther black or printed in a taste­ful light beige, and after a while the light beige be­gins to bleed across the pages of text like a barely vis­i­ble spec­tral man­i­fes­ta­tion. The es­says in Ger­man and French are placed side by side, each in a jus­ti­fied col­umn, and two tech­niques are used to en­sure that they re­main par­al­lel de­spite their dif­fer­ing lengths: first, the foot­notes are in­serted into the columns of text at the end of each para­graph so as to be at the same level (and sym­met­ri­cal to each other to­ward the mid­dle of the page); sec­ond, the ref­er­ence im­ages are po­si­tioned in the shorter col­umn of text (though slightly off­set), with the mono­lin­gual ex­pla­na­tions next to them. The light beige reap­pears in the table sec­tion as a back­ground, and in the ap­pen­dix (again in two lan­guages) the im­ages are po­si­tioned cen­trally so that they ex­tend sym­met­ri­cally into the two columns. The end prod­uct is a self-con­tained and lav­ish mu­seum pub­li­ca­tion.

Marc Atallah, Bruno Corthésy, Julie Enckell Julliard, Jérémie Gindre, Philippe Kaenel, Christopher Kaiser, Pierre Keller, Laurence Schmidlin
Laurence Schmidlin, Musée Jenisch Vevey - Cabinet cantonal des estampes, Vevey
no-do | Noémie Gygax, Neuchâtel
Musumeci S.p.A., Quart
Scheidegger & Spiess, Zürich
220 × 290 mm