
Heimat. Handwerk und die Utopie des Alltäglichen

Historical Typology with Contemporary Details

A medium-sized, very ex­ten­sive hard­cover vol­ume with an ar­ti­fi­cial leather bind­ing con­tains lav­ishly il­lus­trated schol­arly es­says on con­cep­tions of ‘home­land’ in the twen­ti­eth cen­tury. The his­tor­i­cal image ma­te­r­ial is printed in black and white and four colours en­hanced with sil­ver, and all the text is in the Stem­pel ver­sion of Gara­mond launched in 1920. The re­sult is an ap­par­ently fa­mil­iar image / text ty­pol­ogy that is un­der­cut by con­tem­po­rary de­tails. The essay ti­tles ap­pear in small cap­i­tals cen­tred on the left-hand page, while the sin­gle-col­umn text be­gins at top right, with the very small-font end­notes in nar­row, densely packed columns. Ref­er­ence il­lus­tra­tions are num­bered and in­serted in com­par­a­tively large size, mostly alone or in pairs on in­di­vid­ual pages. The large-font cap­tions in sil­ver are placed at the top edge of each page. With its foil-stamped cover, slightly translu­cent paper (which ex­poses the grid) and gilt edg­ing on one side, the book is de­lib­er­ately grandiose. The at­trac­tive vol­ume is thus re­vealed as a con­struct that, just like con­cep­tions of ‘home­land’, is sub­ject to his­tor­i­cal change.

Uta Hassler, Julia Berger, Zürich
Hubertus Design - Scott Vander Zee, Jonas Voegeli, Zürich
Printer Trento, Trento
Hirmer, München
190 × 260 mm