Autonomie auf A4. Wie die Zürcher Jugendbewegung Zeichen setzte. Flugblätter 1979–82
From Archival Pile to the Body of the Book
An archival book on flyers from Zurich’s youth movement gives the historical material a powerful presence using a small number of design interventions. The black texts and drawings on the A4 pages are printed in original size on a triple-white base which leaves a narrow margin around the pages. Where a flyer was printed on both sides, this is transposed to the front and reverse of a page in the book. Free pages contain brief chronological entries on city politics and the youth movement in which symmetrically typeset dates and explanations in upper case reinforce the design atmosphere of the flyers. The effect is of an artfully edited stack of individual sheets, and this impression is reinforced by the book’s open binding and the fact that further texts are relocated to separate sheets: the table of contents, introduction, and so on appear in red on the cover, which consists of two sheets of firm paper at front and back. Essays are inserted at regular intervals between the reproduced flyers on a discreetly marbled paper. Everything is tightly controlled.