Autonomie auf A4

Autonomie auf A4. Wie die Zürcher Jugendbewegung Zeichen setzte. Flugblätter 1979–82

From Archival Pile to the Body of the Book

An archival book on fly­ers from Zurich’s youth move­ment gives the his­tor­i­cal ma­te­r­ial a pow­er­ful pres­ence using a small num­ber of de­sign in­ter­ven­tions. The black texts and draw­ings on the A4 pages are printed in orig­i­nal size on a triple-white base which leaves a nar­row mar­gin around the pages. Where a flyer was printed on both sides, this is trans­posed to the front and re­verse of a page in the book. Free pages con­tain brief chrono­log­i­cal en­tries on city pol­i­tics and the youth move­ment in which sym­met­ri­cally type­set dates and ex­pla­na­tions in upper case re­in­force the de­sign at­mos­phere of the fly­ers. The ef­fect is of an art­fully edited stack of in­di­vid­ual sheets, and this im­pres­sion is re­in­forced by the book’s open bind­ing and the fact that fur­ther texts are re­lo­cated to sep­a­rate sheets: the table of con­tents, in­tro­duc­tion, and so on ap­pear in red on the cover, which con­sists of two sheets of firm paper at front and back. Es­says are in­serted at reg­u­lar in­ter­vals be­tween the re­pro­duced fly­ers on a dis­creetly mar­bled paper. Every­thing is tightly con­trolled.

Peter Bichsel, Silvan Lerch, Roland Fischbacher, Robert Lzicar, Heinz Nigg, Zürich
Peter Bichsel, Silvan Lerch, Zürich
Atlas Studio, Zürich
Sprüngli Druck, Villmergen
Limmat Verlag, Zürich
240 × 315 mm