Art Décor

Art Décor

Fictional Design History

A vol­ume packed with his­tor­i­cal im­ages looks back at the life and work of Bernese dec­o­ra­tor, dandy and jet-set­ter ‘Bob’ Stef­fen (1928–2012). Tak­ing its cue from the topic and era, its de­sign at­tempts a reap­praisal of mag­a­zine ty­pol­ogy in con­junc­tion with 1960s Swiss de­sign. Mag­a­zine sec­tions such as the ed­i­to­r­ial, the il­lus­trated essay and the photo gallery are pre­sented in grid lay­outs with an adapted Hel­vetica as title font. With up to 12 pho­tos per dou­ble page, vary­ing sizes, for­mats and po­si­tion­ings, and large areas of white space, the book of­fers up a se­ries of con­stantly chang­ing, in­vari­ably in­ter­est­ing com­bi­na­tions of image and text. Freely po­si­tioned ti­tles and plen­ti­ful, iden­ti­cally sized cross-head­ings add extra vari­a­tion. The photo gal­leries are often full-bleed on both sides of the dou­ble page, though some­times with a white mar­gin at the bot­tom. The im­pres­sion is per­haps of a lost for­mal lan­guage re­dis­cov­ered, per­haps of a fac­sim­ile of a fic­tional mag­a­zine from fifty years ago.

Beat Frischknecht, Martin Jaeggi, Zürich; Ariane von Graffenried, Claudia Honegger, Regula Schelling, Veronika Minder, Bern
Veronika Minder, Martin Jäggi, Zürich
Krispin Heé, Berlin; Samuel Bänziger, St. Gallen
Kösel GmbH & Co. KG, Altusried-Krugzell
Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich

236 × 326 mm