Annelis Berger

Annelis Berger

Annelis Berger

Member of the jury 20214-2018

Music journalist and violist Annelis Berger has been a music editor, producer and presenter on Swiss radio station SRF 2 since 2000. She is responsible for programmes including Musikmagazin, and is editor and presenter of shows such as Musik der Welt, Diskothek and Klangfenster. She is also an opera critic, producer of an episode in the Hörpunkt radio series on opera, entitled “Wahnsinn Oper”, and a reporter on the Salzburg and Bayreuth Festivals. Annelis Berger is a regular live presenter at events such as the Stans Music Festival, Alpentöne in Altdorf and the Lucerne Festival. From 2011 to 2013 she presented the music programme Stars on Swiss Television SRF.