Esther Rieser


Esther Rieser

Various publications

Graphic Design

Jury report

A Love of Detail
For this year's Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award com­pe­ti­tion, graphic de­signer Es­ther Rieser has sub­mit­ted a se­lec­tion of printed items from the past few years. These are items in book or book­let form, both com­mis­sioned pro­jects and pro­jects of the de­signer's own. Their con­tent is di­verse and in­cludes art pub­li­ca­tions, sci­en­tific dis­ser­ta­tions and spe­cial­ist books. The in­tent was the same in every case: to cre­ate a prod­uct whose form was suited to its con­tent and which could be pro­duced on a lim­ited print run, using the min­i­mum of ma­te­ri­als. All the pub­li­ca­tions have a clear fun­da­men­tal con­cept; at the same time, their vi­sual pro­duc­tion re­sponds sen­si­tively to their con­tent. Es­ther Rieser chooses paper and bind­ing styles to re­in­force her de­sign choices.
The 50-page cat­a­logue 'Von Daedalus und an­deren Höhenflügen' (Of Daedalus and Other High Flights) con­tains re­pro­duc­tions of large-for­mat pho­tographs by the pho­tog­ra­phers Lena Maria Thüring and An­nette Am­berg that show the var­i­ous steps in the trans­for­ma­tion of a sheet of paper into a paper aero­plane. Es­ther Rieser's con­cept leaves plenty of white space - or, as she her­self puts it: ‘space to un­fold' - around the folded works. The book­let 'Das Schul­wand­bild von gestern - Eine nicht ganz vollständige Samm­lung' (The Pic­ture on the School Wall of Yes­ter­day: A Not En­tirely Com­plete Col­lec­tion) is di­vided into three parts: A is ‘the­ory', B is ‘pic­tures' and C is ‘archive'. It is held to­gether solely by a rub­ber band, sug­gest­ing in­com­plete­ness and al­low­ing the con­tent to be sup­ple­mented with new pages. The pic­ture on the cover is a ref­er­ence to old school books, ren­dered in a mod­ern way.


Esther Rieser
Born in
Graphic Designer
