David Mamie, Nicola Todeschini


David Mamie / Nicola Todeschini

Poster series for 'Le KAB de l'Usine', Geneva (2010/2011)

Graphic Design

Jury report

Le plus FAB pour l’Usine
David Mamie and Nicola Tode­s­chini have worked on both in­di­vid­ual and com­mon pro­jects in a shared stu­dio since 2009. For their com­pe­ti­tion entry, they sub­mit­ted a se­ries of posters which they had de­signed for the con­cert pro­duc­tion com­pany 'Le KAB de l'Usine' in 2010 and 2011. 'Le KAB' has been or­gan­is­ing ap­pear­ances by Swiss and in­ter­na­tional bands at the Usine venue in Geneva, a hub of al­ter­na­tive cul­ture, since 1989.
The fact that Mamie and Tode­s­chini have been reg­u­lar at­ten­dees of 'Le KAB's con­certs for years may be one rea­son why the or­gan­is­ing com­pany gave them carte blanche in de­sign­ing its com­mu­ni­ca­tion ma­te­ri­als. The bud­get was lim­ited, and the fly­ers and small-scale post­cards were there­fore pro­duced using laser print­ing. This eco­nom­i­cal pro­duc­tion process, how­ever, is sup­ple­mented in in­di­vid­ual cases by A1 for­mat silk-screen prints. These spe­cial edi­tions, re­leased ahead of cer­tain con­certs, em­pha­sise the unique char­ac­ter of the artists who are ap­pear­ing.
The com­mis­sions from 'Le KAB de l'Usine' pre­sented the two graphic artists with an ideal op­por­tu­nity. Free of re­stric­tions and con­straints, they have cre­ated a highly rec­og­niz­able vi­sual lan­guage whose vo­cab­u­lary con­sists of strik­ing ty­pog­ra­phy, dy­namic se­quenc­ing and a mono­chrome colour palette. In spite of their play­ful and mas­terly han­dling of the de­sign el­e­ments, Mamie and Tode­s­chini en­sure that the sig­nif­i­cant in­for­ma­tion can be eas­ily grasped by the reader.


David Mamie
Born in
Graphic Designer


also in

Nicola Todeschini
Born in
Graphic Designer