Neo Neo : Xavier Erni, Thuy-An Hoang


Neo Neo : Xavier Erni / Thuy-An Hoang

The magazine 'Poster Tribune'

Design mediation

Jury report

Poster Tribute
Xavier Erni and Thuy-An Hoang have won the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award for Ed­u­ca­tion for his twice-yearly mag­a­zine 'Poster Tri­bune'. The 'Poster Tri­bune' is en­tirely de­voted to posters. The in­ten­tion be­hind its 12 pages of tex­tual and vi­sual con­tri­bu­tions is to il­lu­mi­nate the sub­ject of poster de­sign. A va­ri­ety of ex­po­nents of graphic de­sign are in­vited to con­tribute. The idea is to pro­mote di­a­logue be­tween the­o­rists and de­sign­ers. The poster mag­a­zine it­self is sup­ple­mented by ex­hi­bi­tions and dis­cus­sions.
Above and be­yond their artis­tic de­sign as­pects and their role as in­for­ma­tion car­ri­ers, the peo­ple be­hind the mag­a­zine find the his­tor­i­cal rel­e­vance of posters fas­ci­nat­ing. Posters bear wit­ness to shifts in so­cial, com­mer­cial and artis­tic trends. The items that ap­pear in 'Poster Tri­bune' could be said to give posters, hand­bills and sim­i­lar short-lived media, which have only a short lifes­pan, a sec­ond lease of life. Whilst the mag­a­zine re­ports on in­ter­na­tional, top­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal themes, the main focus is on Swiss graphic de­sign.
The mag­a­zine's de­sign is tai­lored to the con­tent, and is in­tended, above all, to dis­play it to best ad­van­tage. Once the ar­ti­cles have been read, the reader can give the posters their full at­ten­tion. A clever fold­ing tech­nique al­lows a large poster to be po­si­tioned on the re­verse side of each of four texts. For the first edi­tion, which ap­peared in May 2011, de­signs by Flag (Zurich), Fed­eral Stu­dio (Geneva) and Bart de Beats (Am­s­ter­dam) were se­lected. The idea is that over time this will cre­ate a col­lec­tion of sig­nif­i­cant posters.
In an age of tabloids and dig­i­tally dis­trib­uted mag­a­zines, the peo­ple be­hind 'Poster Tri­bune' feel the need to offer their sub­scribers a tan­gi­ble ob­ject that leaves be­hind a phys­i­cal trace.


Xavier Erni
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name
Neo Neo

Thuy-An Hoang
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name
Neo Neo


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