Bringolf Irion


Natalie Bringolf / Kristin Irion

Signage works (2006-2011)

Graphic Design

Jury report

The Bringolf Irion Vögeli Perspective
For their com­pe­ti­tion entry, the firm of Bringolf Irion Vögeli have sub­mit­ted a se­lec­tion of their work from the pe­riod span­ning from 2006 to 2011. Kristin Irion and Na­talie Bringolf and their team of de­sign­ers are among Switzer­land's fore­most spe­cial­ists in sig­nage de­sign.
All the pro­jects in Bringolf Irion Vögeli's port­fo­lio show an en­thu­si­asm for deal­ing with a wide va­ri­ety of ma­te­ri­als - whether taken from ar­chi­tec­ture or de­vel­oped through a metic­u­lous process of try­ing out new shapes and vi­sual pro­files. In every ex­am­ple of their let­ter­ing one can see the plea­sure the team takes in script, ma­te­ri­als and in­no­va­tion. These de­sign­ers think a step ahead and on a grander scale. It is not sim­ply a ques­tion of adding in­for­ma­tion to the build­ing, it is also a case of adding value and the pur­pose­ful touch of a de­signer.
One telling ex­am­ple is Peter Märkli's Vis­i­tor Cen­ter on the No­var­tis Cam­pus in Basel. The sig­nage de­sign boldly takes up space in the in­te­rior of the build­ing. Whilst the ma­te­ri­als are bor­rowed from the ar­chi­tect's strik­ing and promi­nent rail­ings, the forms are lib­er­ated in­di­vid­ual three-di­men­sional ob­jects which, de­pend­ing on the light in­ci­dence and where the viewer is stand­ing, ei­ther allow the scripts to be read or turn them into ab­stract shapes. The same suc­cess­ful bal­anc­ing of in­te­gra­tion and ad­di­tion is vis­i­ble in other pro­jects of Bringolf Irion Vögeli - fre­quently as soon as one sees the outer façade. The City Gar­den Hotel in Zug, for in­stance, is em­bell­ished with large let­ters which pro­ject from the façade. The let­ter­ing en­gages in a di­a­logue with the ma­te­r­ial - which it re­flects - and with the sculp­tural de­sign of the ar­chi­tec­ture.


Natalie Bringolf
Born in
Graphic Designer

Kristin Irion
Born in
Graphic Designer
