NORM : Dimitri Bruni und Manuel Krebs

Grand Prix Design 2011 - NORM
© BAK / Ruth Erdt

NORM : Dimitri Bruni und Manuel Krebs


NORM is Manuel Krebs and Dim­itri Bruni, two Zurich-based de­sign­ers who hail from Biel. Both are grad­u­ates of the School for De­sign in Biel and they joined forces in 1999. The duo have since re­ceived nu­mer­ous awards such as the Swiss Con­fed­er­ate De­sign Award 2000 and 2002, the De­sign Award Switzer­land and the Jan Tschi­chold Prize in 2003 after en­ter­ing the com­pe­ti­tion 'The Most Beau­ti­ful Swiss Books'. They de­signed the cat­a­logue for 'The Most Beau­ti­ful Swiss Books' on be­half of the Fed­eral Of­fice of Cul­ture from 2002 to 2004. Reg­u­larly in­vited to give pre­sen­ta­tions at art and de­sign schools such as ECAL in Lau­sanne they have also col­lab­o­rated with Omega, Swatch and the Lou­vre. Manuel Krebs and Dim­itri Bruni, known for their markedly sys­tem­atic and skilled ap­proach to ty­pog­ra­phy, have de­vel­oped a num­ber of fonts that are in use today in a va­ri­ety of in­for­ma­tion media. With their ex­tremely in­no­v­a­tive vi­sion within the field of de­sign both have gained in­ter­na­tional recog­ni­tion and thor­oughly de­serve the Swiss Grand Award for De­sign which the Swiss Con­fed­er­acy has now be­stowed on them.