Jörg Boner

Grand Prix Design 2011 - Jörg Boner
© BAK / Ruth Erdt

Jörg Boner


After com­plet­ing his stud­ies in Basel, fol­lowed by a me­te­oric start with the group N2, Jörg Boner has been re­spon­si­ble for de­sign­ing a di­verse spec­trum of prod­ucts, fur­ni­ture and spaces of ex­cep­tional qual­ity. He has been run­ning his own de­sign stu­dio, Jörg Boner pro­duct­de­sign in Zurich, where he em­ploys two fur­ther de­sign­ers, for over ten years now. Along with teach­ing at the ECAL Lau­sanne he de­vel­ops ar­ti­cles of daily use ‒ rang­ing from ther­mos flasks to street lights for in­dus­trial mass pro­duc­tion or as in­di­vid­ual pieces. His works are al­ways func­tional and pic­to­r­ial, they serve and make a state­ment at the same time. The de­signer's cre­ations reg­u­larly ques­tion pro­duc­tion meth­ods and at­ti­tudes that are adopted au­to­mat­i­cally be­cause that is how they have been passed down. Today, he is con­sid­ered one of the most im­por­tant na­tional de­sign­ers of the 'mid­dle gen­er­a­tion'. The Swiss Con­fed­er­a­tion has sin­gled out Jörg Boner for his on­go­ing con­tri­bu­tion to Swiss de­sign and his com­mit­ment as a de­signer and a teacher.