Marie Lusa


Marie Lusa

Différentes publications 2001 – 2009

Graphic Design

Jurybericht - Rapport du jury - Rapporto della giuria - Jury report

The Art Tamer
Marie Lusa is a ver­i­ta­ble all-rounder. She works as a pho­tog­ra­pher, art di­rec­tor and graphic artist. For over nine years, the Jura-born artist has been based in Zurich, where she has made a name for her­self as an ex­cep­tional de­signer with a rep­u­ta­tion for qual­ity and in­no­va­tion. The rea­son for this may be found in an un­bri­dled pas­sion for her work, which, as she says her­self, is ex­actly what makes her get up every morn­ing look­ing for­ward to the new day. For her, each new book that she de­signs means delv­ing into a new and un­fa­mil­iar world – and it is this chal­lenge that is her great­est dri­ving force.
The books bear elo­quent wit­ness to Lusa's will­ing­ness to learn some­thing new from each artist, motif or theme. Art books in par­tic­u­lar have in­spired some of her finest pro­duc­tions, sev­eral of which have be­come al­most in­stant clas­sics. At the same time, Lusa man­ages to keep the bal­ance be­tween doing jus­tice to the artists' work and adding her own dis­tinc­tive touch, be it the edi­tion of a col­lec­tion or a mono­graphic study. Through her cre­ative ap­proach, Lusa places the art­works in a new con­text. Be­cause she has no qualms about ex­press­ing her own sub­jec­tive in­ter­pre­ta­tion of them, she of­fers us new ways of look­ing.
Lusa has honed her re­mark­able tal­ent for cover de­sign. Some­times the ti­tles seem to leap out from the book­shelves or catch the eye with their ir­re­sistible colours and in­no­v­a­tive ma­te­ri­als.
Not only out­side, but in­side as well, be­tween the cov­ers of her books, any­one an­tic­i­pat­ing a con­ven­tional jux­ta­po­si­tion of text and image will be hap­pily dis­en­chanted. Seem­ingly chaotic stretches of il­lus­tra­tions al­ter­nate with clear-cut, min­i­mally de­signed pages. In short, Marie Lusa's pub­li­ca­tions are as dy­namic as they are in­spir­ing.
Anna Niederhäuser


Marie Lusa
Born in
Graphic designer


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