Lukas Zimmer


Lukas Zimmer


Graphic Design

Jury report

More than just 'cut, copy and paste'
Who hasn't had enough of the lurid ar­ti­cles in the free news­pa­pers that re­con­struct the world in 20 min­utes? With Lukas Zim­mer's in­ter­net ap­pli­ca­tion the reader can ac­tively change his read­ing habits: it al­lows him to de­cide for him­self what he wants to read in cold print every morn­ing. The young graphic de­signer from Zurich ex­plores new read­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties on the in­ter­net. He is in­ter­ested in the ques­tion of how the roles of au­thor and reader are chang­ing at a time when frag­mented in­creas­ingly takes the place of lin­ear read­ing. To­gether with a pro­gram­mer he de­vel­oped a freely ac­ces­si­ble Fire­fox browser ex­ten­sion that al­lows users to cre­ate and print a handy book­let of their in­di­vid­ual re­search with just a few mouse clicks. The text and image mod­ules found are sim­ply pulled onto a clearly laid out desk­top, in­serted in one to three columns, com­ple­mented by one's own words and edited within a per­sonal lay­out. This handy in­ter­net ap­pli­ca­tion makes it pos­si­ble to grasp the barely com­pre­hen­si­ble and mostly elu­sive men­tal as­so­ci­a­tions from one link to an­other with­out much ef­fort. So even be­fore the first cup of cof­fee, any topic can be eas­ily doc­u­mented, com­ple­mented by one's own style and made avail­able for com­pact re-read­ing. 'Re-edit' is a handy de­vice to re­trieve in­for­ma­tion on­line ef­fi­ciently. It isn't avail­able on­line yet, but will hope­fully soon re­flect the pe­cu­liar struc­ture of the in­ter­net and act as a use­ful tool for ad­dress­ing chang­ing read­ing habits. 'Re-edit' vi­su­al­izes loose knowl­edge and makes it man­age­able: not only for peo­ple who have no idea of 'cut, copy and paste'.
Ed­uard Hart­mann


Lukas Zimmer
Born in
Visual designer / researcher


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