FULGURO: Cédric Decroux, Yves Fidalgo


FULGURO: Cédric Decroux / Yves Fidalgo

'Waternetworks-Drops', 2007

Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

New Items of Daily Use for the Careful Use of Water
Ful­guro, the suc­cess­ful de­sign duo from the French part of Switzer­land, made their name as prod­uct de­sign­ers, graphic artists and ex­hi­bi­tion de­sign­ers.
Cédric De­croux and Yves Fi­dalgo have been awarded the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Grant for the four ob­jects in the 'WA­TER­NET­WORKS-DROPS' se­ries. As the title sug­gests, the cen­tral ques­tion is how water is being used. 're­LEAF' is a geo­met­ri­cally shaped metal sheet that can be put into a wa­ter­ing can or a flower pot in order to col­lect rain water and let it flow to where it's needed via a nar­row groove. The 're­FLECT' stand lamp can be placed di­rectly in a pot and fos­ters the growth of the plant. 're­FRESH', the clay jug, com­bines two pour­ing sys­tems: the side with the small holes can be used as a wa­ter­ing can for flow­ers, the side with the pointed spout to fill up the white-enam­elled clay gob­lets. The wooden 're­COVER' tree stand can be placed in the base of the pot at the bot­tom end with the help of metal bars in order to then hang the drip­ping um­brella from the 'branches'. These orig­i­nal plant ac­ces­sories can be used both on bal­conies and in your lounge.
This se­ries of con­cep­tual ob­jects is mod­est in its ap­pear­ance with a sim­ple and care­fully con­ceived de­sign, and clean and metic­u­lous in its ex­e­cu­tion. The two de­sign­ers hu­mor­ously and po­et­i­cally in­vent new ob­jects for every­day use that re­mind you to use every sin­gle drop con­sciously and care­fully.
Au­re­lia Müller


Cédric Decroux
Born in
designer HES en design industriel
Group name

Yves Fidalgo
Born in
designer HES en design industriel
Group name
