Adrian Weidmann


Adrian Weidmann

'LOC+' (diploma work)
Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

Safety with lights and lock
Pro­tect­ing a bi­cy­cle against theft is a con­stant theme, and so are the lights for it. A dy­namo causes too much fric­tion and you al­ways have to carry lights that are fit­ted on around in your bag even if you don't need them. If you did need them, you cer­tainly wouldn't have them with you. If you for­get and leave them on the bike they could be gone when you get back. The Zurich de­signer Adrian Wei­d­mann has found a so­lu­tion to both prob­lems. He com­bines lights and lock in his 'LOC+' sys­tem. It con­sists of a head­light and a rear light with a shackle. It is based on the fa­mil­iar prin­ci­ple of the shackle lock with clos­ing-bar. When rid­ing, the large wide head­lamp can be fit­ted into the han­dle­bar. The rear light with shackle is fit­ted on to the back axle. The shackle is large enough to fit on to var­i­ous frames and wheels. It can also be moved to fit be­hind a lug­gage rack. The lights are fit­ted with LEDs and bat­tery dri­ven. There are knobs for switch­ing them on and off. To lock up, the front light is de­tached from the holder on the han­dle­bars and the rear light de­tached from the fit­ting points on the rear wheel and the two fit­ted to­gether. The di­am­e­ter of the shackle is suf­fi­cient to make it pos­si­ble to at­tach the bike to a fixed ob­ject and thus make it im­pos­si­ble just to take it away.
Adrian Wei­d­mann's 'LOC+' rep­re­sents a se­cu­rity sys­tem that has been thor­oughly thought through both tech­ni­cally and for­mally. The shackle lock pro­tects, and can ad­di­tion­ally be fas­tened to fixed ob­jects. There are proper places for the light when rid­ing or park­ing – so you al­ways have it with you. The young de­signer is con­tin­u­ing to de­velop his diploma piece and is hop­ing to mar­ket it with the help of in­dus­trial part­ners. It is ideas like this, and so­lu­tions to small prob­lems like this anti-theft de­vice, that make our every­day lives more com­fort­able and pleas­ant. That is de­sign as well.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Adrian Weidmann
Born in
Designer FH, Studienbereich Industrial Design
