Jennifer Santschy


Jennifer Santschy

'<LOL*>' (diploma work)


Jury report

Presenting oneself and being oneself
The pho­tog­ra­pher Jen­nifer Santschy started her work with a study of blogs that young girls use to pre­sent and ex­press them­selves. Spaces that are both in­ti­mate and pub­lic. The girls and young women use pho­tographs and texts they have writ­ten them­selves in the ab­bre­vi­ated, coded lan­guage of blogs. The pho­tog­ra­pher was touched by these self-pre­sen­ta­tions, and she de­cided to cre­ate por­traits of ten of these girls who all train in the same dance group. The work called '<LOL*>' com­bined im­ages and texts by the girls, who are aged be­tween 13 and 16 years. '<LOL*>' stands for the term 'Laugh­ing Out Loud', which is often used in the blogs. The book in­cludes two kinds of pho­tographs that look at the peo­ple por­trayed in dif­fer­ent ways: self-por­traits taken against a white back­ground in the stu­dio and pic­tures of the group in pub­lic places. The stu­dio pic­tures show teenagers turn­ing from girls into women. Their poses are bor­rowed from mod­els. They try to pre­sent them­selves in an at­trac­tive, sexy light – which seems strange be­cause the two worlds of glossy mag­a­zines and the way the teenage girls pre­sent them­selves clash. But the group pic­tures seem more nat­ural, and show the girls in re­laxed poses and at­mos­pheres. Here they are talk­ing to friends, look­ing at each other, rather than straight at the cam­era, as in the stu­dio shots. Jen­nifer Santschy has cap­tured in­ti­mate mo­ments of friend­ship in these pho­tographs. In the book, the pho­tog­ra­pher has scat­tered the text be­tween the pho­tographs, in cap­i­tal let­ters and a pink type­face. They are dif­fi­cult to un­der­stand for the unini­ti­ated, and one ap­proaches them as if they were in a for­eign lan­guage that one is less than fa­mil­iar with. '<LOL*>' doc­u­ments a group of girls at a time when self-rep­re­sen­ta­tion in pub­lic media is an every­day mat­ter.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Jennifer Santschy
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle, spécialisation photographie