Claudia Güdel


Claudia Güdel

Menswear collection 2005 – 2007, 18 pieces

Fashion Design

Jury report

One man one garment
A one-piece gar­ment for men fea­tures in Clau­dia Güdel's col­lec­tion. The Basel de­signer's lat­est of­fer­ing in­cludes five over­alls de­signed for men. Clau­dia Güdel says that this gar­ment best meets her idea of good de­sign, as it com­bines func­tion­al­ity, pro­tec­tion, com­fort in wear and is easy to look after. It is also just a sin­gle gar­ment. The over­alls we are usu­ally fa­mil­iar with come from the world of work. The are cut loosely, and do not fit very well. But Clau­dia Güdel's over­alls fit ex­tremely well. The gar­ment is a mix­ture of over­all and suit, and breaks away from the nor­mal image of work cloth­ing. It looks like a suit from the back in par­tic­u­lar, as back and trousers are sep­a­rated. This al­lows the wearer to move freely de­spite the tight fit, as the fab­ric does not pull at the back if he leans for­ward. Clau­dia Güdel has pro­vided each model with a large num­ber of vari­able pock­ets. Some ver­sions have Vel­cro strips at the bot­tom of the trousers so that the legs can be fas­tened up very tightly if wished. Other ver­sions have re­mov­able sleeves or zips at the end of the arm to make it eas­ier to roll the sleeves up. The jury is im­pressed by this con­tem­po­rary gar­ment. The wearer is well-dressed, and it looks as though he is wear­ing a suit even though he isn't. The jury also praises the good cut­ting and func­tional de­tails. Clau­dia Güdel also pre­sented a se­lec­tion of win­ter jack­ets and trousers, as well as the over­alls. These gar­ments are also well cut and pro­vided with func­tional de­tails – high qual­ity of work is their chief char­ac­ter­is­tic.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Claudia Güdel
Born in
Modedesignerin HFG
