Remo Caminada, Ludovic Innocent Varoner


Remo Caminada / Ludovic Innocent Varone

'Type Generator' (diploma work)

Graphic Design

Jury report

A font designer
The two graphic de­sign­ers Remo Cam­i­nada and Lu­dovic In­no­cent Varone have pre­sented a pro­gram for de­sign­ing fonts as a diploma pro­ject at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Zürich. Users are able to in­ter­vene in var­i­ous ways, start­ing with a base font. Radii, lines, heights and oblique po­si­tions can be al­tered using ma­nip­u­la­tion de­vices or by in­putting nu­mer­i­cal val­ues, and ser­ifs can be gen­er­ated as well. The in­ter­ven­tions can be ap­plied to a sin­gle let­ter or the whole font, as wished. The ma­nip­u­la­tions are shown on the screen at the same time, and the changes can be im­me­di­ately checked, ac­cepted or re­jected. The com­mands are arranged in win­dows, in the way fa­mil­iar from pop­u­lar de­sign pro­grams such as 'Pho­to­shop' and 'Il­lus­tra­tor'. The win­dows can be opened and closed, and lead to other op­tions. A small range of tools is also avail­able. In ad­di­tion, Cam­i­nada and Varone have writ­ten and de­signed a short ac­count of the pro­gram with in­struc­tions for use, as well as the pro­gram it­self. This shows var­i­ous ex­am­ples of which in­ter­ven­tion is re­quired to pro­duce a par­tic­u­lar re­sult. The fonts gen­er­ated by the vec­tor-based pro­gram can be ex­ported to other ap­pli­ca­tions and de­vel­oped fur­ther there.
The in­ter­face is based on com­mer­cially avail­able soft­ware, and this is a good thing, as it makes it easy to un­der­stand how to use the pro­gram im­me­di­ately and first-time users can achieve re­sults with­out a great deal of prepa­ra­tion and ef­fort. 'Type Gen­er­a­tor' is a piece of re­search that shows the di­rec­tion elec­tronic type­face de­sign tools are mov­ing in. The jury there­fore also praises the fact that Remo Cam­i­nada and Lu­dovic In­no­cent Varone had suc­ceeded in pre­sent­ing a new idea and ap­pli­ca­tion so com­pre­hen­si­bly and lu­cidly. The pro­gram, which at pre­sent ex­ists only as a pro­to­type, suc­ceeds both tech­ni­cally and in terms of de­sign. It is to be hoped that this soft­ware will soon be avail­able com­mer­cially.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Remo Caminada
Born in
Designer FH, Interaction Design und Visuelle Kommunikation

Ludovic Innocent Varone
Born in
Designer FH, Studienbereich Visuelle Kommunikation