Sibylle Stöckli


Sibylle Stöckli

Bookshelf 'DINA', bookmark, elastic and the book 'Zzz' (diploma work with the title 'I love books')

Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

Scenography for books – How can we keep the flood of books in our living rooms in check?
The Lau­sanne de­signer Sibylle Stöckli is not con­tent with the uni­form book­cases made by a well-known Swedish man­u­fac­turer and seen in a thou­sand homes. She cre­ates her own highly in­di­vid­ual so­lu­tion for books and other prob­lems re­lat­ing to tidi­ness. Her multi-func­tional 'Dina' sys­tem is more than just a set of book­shelves. It is more like a scenog­ra­phy for the liv­ing room, at last mak­ing it eas­ier to stow and pre­sent books that we have come to love. Start­ing with the ob­ser­va­tion that books still ap­pear in all sorts of shapes and sizes, she sug­gests a multi-par­tite sys­tem. Bor­row­ing from the in­dus­trial sizes A0 to A8, she de­vel­oped boxes for mul­ti­ple use. They can ei­ther be placed by the wall or used as room-di­viders. You could have the basic el­e­ment in A0 for­mat, or as a car­ry­ing box with holes as han­dles, as a drawer unit or even as a lit­tle 'se­cret box' with a lid. In this way, books can be stowed away or pre­sented in the best pos­si­ble way, and when mov­ing, the chests can also be used as trans­port boxes.
The de­signer has de­vel­oped other metic­u­lously de­signed ac­ces­sories for the world of books: an elas­tic band helps to pre­sent books openly, while ad­he­sive book­marks make it eas­ier for read­ers to find the last page they read. She has also in­vented a po­etic book ob­ject for chil­dren: the black fab­ric cover shows sheep, and the let­ters 'zzz' are an over­whelm­ing in­vi­ta­tion to go to sleep. The book turns out to be an ob­ject with a fab­ric cover that folds right out, in­tended in the first place to stim­u­late chil­dren's imag­i­na­tions, which is why there is no text at all. The de­signer Sibylle Stöckli un­der­stands how this lov­ingly de­signed ob­ject could be used to help to get chil­dren to sleep. It is rare for such sur­pris­ingly charm­ing, un­usual and prac­ti­cal so­lu­tions to be found for the every­day treat­ment of books.
Peter Stohler


Sibylle Stöckli
Born in
Product designer
Group name
Sibylle Stoeckli Studios


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