Laurent Benner


Laurent Benner

The signage for the 'Museum of Childhood', London - various printed matters for visual communication ('Dreck Records', 'Reala')

Graphic Design

Jury report

In addition to designing the graphic appearance for the London music label Dreck Records and various print productions (together with the Swedish group Reala), the main element of Laurent Benner's submission consisted of the signs for the Museum of Childhood in London. He designed and implemented the signs together with Alex Rich on behalf of the architects responsible for the museum's new scenography, Caruso & St. John. By using the picture language of current British road signs, Laurent Benner makes a clear contrast to the architecture of the museum at both a temporo-historical and spatial-contextual level. In the Victorian atmosphere of the exhibition halls, the boards and signposts are constant reminders of the current outside area of the city. This contrast makes it an extremely prominent guidance system, which allows for no misunderstandings. The powerful signs, specifically developed for this museum, are clear, extremely easy and can be quickly grasped. The careful adaptation to the museum's internal thematic areas resulted in humorous fusions of everyday symbols, which will undoubtedly bring a smile to visitors' faces. This is museal interactivity that already starts at the level of the signs.


Laurent Benner
Born in
BA Graphic Design MA Communication Art & Design
Group name
Dreck Records, Reala

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