ELEKTROSMOG: Valentin Hindermann / Marco Walser
Various printed matters
Graphic Design
Various printed matters
Graphic Design
The work submitted by Elektrosmog consists of a wide range of commissions for various institutions, and also fringe cultural venues. As well as catalogues and magazines, this includes examples of the Kunsthaus Glarus's visual exhibition publicity, and also the Corporate Design for the alternative Zurich food store Bananen + Frucht, which has now closed down. The starting point for their creative work is their well-nigh insatiable and fearless interest in any printed product of everyday visual culture. Hindermann's and Walser's handwriting is not primarily characterized by a recognizable graphic language, but by a bold synthesis of many playful graphic forms. The key feature of Elektrosmog's work is the used of a wide variety of tools and materials, all directly related to the project, and also a large helping of irony, along with the conceptual discipline and care with which they realize a piece of work.
Valentin Hindermann
Born in
Graphic designer
Group name
Büro 146
Marco Walser
Born in
Visueller Gestalter, Studienbereich Visuelle Kommunikation
Group name