Megi Zumstein

'Visualisierung von Sprache'
'Visualisierung von Sprache'


Megi Zumstein

A language and sound analysis on video and paper

Graphic Design

Jury report

'Visualisierung von Sprache'
Lan­guage in its writ­ten form is in­tended to show the same di­rect­ness and abil­ity to mod­u­late as when it is spo­ken. Ty­po­graphic re­sources are used to ex­press dif­fer­ent lengths, em­phases, tone colours, pitches and speech tem­pos on paper. In her markedly ex­per­i­men­tal search for ap­pro­pri­ate cre­ative tools, also sup­ported by video doc­u­men­ta­tion, Megi Zum­stein pushes to­wards the bound­aries of ty­pog­ra­phy and opens up nu­mer­ous vi­sual pos­si­bil­i­ties.


Megi Zumstein
Born in