Nunzia Tirelli

Nunzia Tirelli
© BAK / Adrian Moser

Nunzia Tirelli

Member of the jury since 2018

(born 1958) Analyst of Movement CMA issued by LIMS, New York, is a trained choreologist (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance/London) and dance therapist (Art Therapy Italiana/Bologna) who previously worked as a dancer and actor in various ensembles. She is closely involved in projects teaching dance and theatre at primary and secondary schools in Italian-speaking Switzerland. Since 2002 she has been researching and working on Rudolf Laban and organising the Laban Events on Monte Verità. In 2014 she received a Dance as Cultural Heritage award for her reconstruction of Rudolf Laban’s dance works “Der Trommelstock tanzt” and “Istars Höllenfahrt”.