The Most Beautiful Swiss Books of 2023 have been selected

Bern, 07.03.2024 - The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) has announced the winners of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023 competition, as voted for by a jury of international experts. The Jan Tschichold Award, which recognises outstanding book design, goes this year to the independent St. Gallen-based publisher Jungle Books. Four of the eighteen most beautiful Swiss book works won awards in the Best Book Design from all over the World competition in Leipzig.

Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023
Every year the FOC organises the Most Beautiful Swiss Books competition, which recognises excellence in book production and design, and highlights works that express contemporary trends. Of the 412 books entered in the competition, the 18 prizes awarded in the 2023 publishing year are of an exceptionally high quality and standard, as noted by the jury, chaired by Sereina Rothenberger (graphic designer) and consisting of Gina Bucher (author, publisher), Gregor Huber (graphic designer, publisher), John Morgan (graphic designer, publisher) and Julie Peeters (graphic designer, publisher).

Jan Tschichold Award goes to Jungle Books

On the sidelines of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books competition, since 1997 the FOC has presented the Jan Tschichold Award to an individual, a group or an institution to recognise outstanding book design. This year, the CHF 25,000 prize goes to St. Gallen-based independent publisher Jungle Books.

Jungle Books was established in 2015 by graphic designers Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio and Larissa Kasper together with programmer Olivier Hug. Its publications, mainly devoted to contemporary Swiss art and architecture, are characterised by a particular attention to typography, images, grids, papers and printing screens, all of which contribute to an exceptional organisation of space. The frequency with which works by Jungle Books appear in the publishing landscape is testament to the exacting standards of its founders, who can take self-initiated projects and elevate them into landmark publications.

Swiss books come away with four awards at the Best Book Design from all over the World competition in Leipzig
Switzerland did particularly well at this year’s Best Book Design from all over the World competition, organised in February by the Stiftung Buchkunst in Leipzig. Of 550 books from 34 countries, 4 Most Beautiful Swiss Books received accolades this year:

– Walking as Research Practice, ed. Soapbox Journal, Amsterdam (graphic design: Jana Sofie Liebe, Zürich; printing: de Stencilzolder, Amsterdam) received the Golden Letter, the competition’s highest award;

Sebastian Riemer Press Paintings, ed. Spector Books, Leipzig (graphic design: Teo Schifferli, with Ladina Dörig and Lou Rais, Zürich; printing: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg) received a silver medal;

Thomas K. Keller. Die Rationalität des Baumeisterlichen, ed. Park Books AG, Zürich (graphic design: Samuel Bänziger [Bänziger Hug], Michel Egger, St. Gallen; printing: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg) received a bronze medal;

Die Entstehung des heutigen Menschen, ed. gta Verlag ETH Zürich (graphic design: Studio Krispin Heé [Krispin Heé, Tim Wetter], Zürich; printing: Engelberger Druck AG, Stans) also received a bronze medal.

The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023 will be presented at the Leipzig Book Fair from 21 to 24 March 2024, Halle 2, Stand G600/F601. The award ceremony will take place on Friday, 22 March at 4 pm.

Presentation of the Jan Tschichold Award and exhibition of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023
The Jan Tschichold Award will be presented on 20 June 2024 at the opening of the exhibition The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023 at Zurich’s Helmhaus. The exhibition will showcase all the books entered in this year’s competition and will be designed by Damian Fopp.

Exhibition: from Thursday, 20 June to Sunday, 23 June 2024. A programme for the public will be organised over the weekend.

The exhibition will then go on tour, visiting cultural institutions, art schools and libraries in Switzerland and abroad. The catalogue to mark the competition’s 80th anniversary, The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2023, designed by Julia Born, will be presented at the end of the opening event.

Address for enquiries

Nicole Udry, Most Beautiful Swiss Books, Cultural Creativity Section, Federal Office of Culture, Tel.: +41 58 469 30 25,


Federal Office of Cultural Affairs